From a policy brief to academic publications. Read about the various publications of the RIGHTS project here:

Academic Publications

All of the publications are open access (i.e. accessible free of charge).


Burmeister-Rudolph, M. (2024). “Do good and talk about it”: informal representation and migrant-led civil society organizations’ mediation between low-wage labor migrants and state institutions in the GCC countries. Comparative Migration Studies 12(56).

Burmeister-Rudolph, Mira (2024). Advancing emigrants’ rights in India: strategies of civil society in spaces for engagement, Globalizations, 

Burmeister-Rudolph, M. (2024). Reproducing and reformulating categories of skill in regional and global migration governance: evidence from India and Bangladesh. Ethnic and Racial Studies,

Burmeister-Rudolph, Mira (2023). Policy differentiation and the politics of belonging in India’s emigrant and emigration policies, Citizenship Studies

Burmeister-Rudolph, Mira (2023). A transnational social contract: Social protection policies toward Non-Resident Keralites, Migration Studies, 11(2): 286–311,

Ersanilli, Evelyn, & Präg, Patrick (2023). Fixed-term work contracts and anti-immigration attitudes. A novel test of ethnic competition theory, Socio-Economic Review21(1),  293-318,

Chee, Liberty (2020). “Supermaids”: Hyper-resilient Subjects in Neoliberal Migration Governance, International Political Sociology, 14(4):366–381,

Policy Briefs

Ersanilli, Evelyn (2023) Origin countries policies on low-waged migrant workers. Results from the RIGHTS policy database. RIGHTS policy paper.

Presley, Jonathan (2024) Kenya RIGHTS policy brief

Presley, Jonathan (2024) Senegal RIGHTS policy brief

Presley, Jonathan (2024) Uganda RIGHTS policy brief

Sekaringrat, Annisa (2024) Indonesia RIGHTS policy brief

Sekaringrat, Annisa (2024) Philippines RIGHTS policy brief


Ersanilli, E. (2024). RIGHTS policy database, v6.0.


The RIGHTS team released its first newsletter in early 2024. You can read the newsletter or download it as a pdf by clicking this link. Here, among others, we announced the partnership between UPNVJ Indonesia and RIGHTS and the release of the RIGHTS policy database version 5.0.