Student pressure cooker and stakeholder workshop in Jakarta

In June 24 and 25, the Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) and the RIGHTS team organised a student pressure cooker workshop in Jakarta. The two-day event was attended by a total of 23 students in Political Sciences, International Relations, Public Administration from six universities in Jakarta.

Working in groups of 2-3, students were tasked with writing a policy brief in which they propose a strategy for improving the working and living conditions of Indonesian low-waged migrant workers in their destination countries. Proposed strategies could involve the Indonesian government, regional organizations, IOs or NGOs. To get input for their policy briefs, students did a number of readings on the topic and attended presentations by stakeholders and asked the presenters questions. They were also given a training on how to write a policy brief.

Annisa Sekaringrat and Jonathan Presley represented the RIGHTS team, explaining the goals and findings of the project and giving feedback on student proposals.

The workshop was great occasion for students to learn about labour migration from Indonesia and the challenges of protecting works abroad.

A big thank you to thanks UPNVJ for the excellent organization and the stakeholders for their time and valuable insights shared with the students.

The RIGHTS team also conducted a focus group with stakeholder to get their input on the preliminary results and open questions from the RIGHTS fieldwork.