Survey on origin countries’ migrant worker policies
We would like to learn what origin countries do to improve the rights of their migrant workers.
Possible examples are pre-departure training, regulating recruitment, offering consular services, signing MoUs, or announcing migration bans.
The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
You can start the survey here.
What will you do with the results?
The outcomes of the survey will be used for presentations to academics and policy makers and to write academic papers and policy briefs that will be distributed among academics and policy makers
Is participation confidential?
We do not ask you to fill in your name or any personal details other than your country and organization of employment.
When reporting the results of the survey we will mention differences between countries, however will be kept to a general level. For example “Germany provides immigrants with special ID abroad”, or “In countries with a high share of low skilled migrants, the Ministries of Labour are most active in providing support to migrant workers”. (please note these examples are fictional).
Who is organizing and funding the research?
The study is led by dr. Evelyn Ersanilli of the University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands) and funded by the European Research Council (ERC).
Who can I contact for more information, or if I have problems or concerns?
You can contact dr. Evelyn Ersanilli at:
University of Amsterdam
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Department of Political Science
P.O. Box 15578
1001 NB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
If you are not happy with how she deals with your concerns and wish to make a formal complaint, you can contact the Secretary of the Ethics Review Board of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences of the Universiteit Amsterdam, Mrs Yomi van der Veen y.m.vanderveen[at]